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SMS mailing for Retail chains and Supermarkets

MOBBIS can offer you a comprehensive implementation of projects of various complexity based on mobile and web technologies with the possibility of integrating them into CRM, 1C, call centers, corporate systems, as well as the website of Your store or shopping center.

We identify 2 areas for Stores in communicating with Consumer:Готовые решения для ТЦ имагазинов

1st Channel
Communication of the Store with the Customer - B2C

Way of communication:
  • SMS notification
  • Marketing surveys
  • Personal invitations sendings
  • Promotional events, lotteries, contests
  • Mobile newsletters
  • Sendings SMS coupons with an additional discount


2nd Channel
Communication of the Customer with the Store - C2B

Way of communication:

  • Checking the balance of discount/club cards
  • Mobile phone app (iPhone, Android)
  • Appointment at personal shopping
  • Automatic subscription/unsubscribe from notifications